News Releases

TPA’s Statement on Eminent Domain and the State Legislature

As in past Sessions and this Session, the Texas Pipeline Association and its industry partners have worked diligently to identify areas of agreement to balance the rights of property owners with the development of vital infrastructure projects critical to the economic development of the state. These projects include those that directly benefit the public, such as oil and natural gas pipelines, water pipelines and electric lines.

We appreciate the leadership of Chairman Craddick in offering a compromise for both property owners and infrastructure builders that met landowner groups' stated goals of transparency in initial offers, minimum easement protections and landowner meetings. Chairman Craddick’s version was a compromise that was good for landowners and did not include litigation “gotchas” for lawyers that would have tied projects up in court to delay and halt public pipeline projects.

TPA and its member companies remain committed to continuing our work with legislators and landowners to address landowner concerns while building the vital infrastructure on which all Texans rely.