Texas Pipeline Damage Prevention

All underground pipeline damages in the State of Texas must be reported. Everything from small scrapes on polyurethane service lines to major punctures on steel distribution lines must be reported to Texas 811 and the Railroad Commission of Texas (and to 911 if the damage results in a release of product from the pipeline).

How to Report Pipeline Damage

FIRST Call 811 immediately and report the damage if you have not already done so. Make sure Texas 811 issues you a dig-up ticket, which is your proof that you called to report the damage.

SECOND File a Texas Damage Reporting Form (TDRF) with the Railroad Commission of Texas within 30 days. TDRFs can be found online on the Commission’s website at rrc.texas.gov.

How to Determine What is Reportable

You should report all pipeline damages to Texas 811 and the Railroad Commission of Texas. There is no penalty for reporting damage that ends up being non-jurisdictional to the Commission. For an in-depth look at the execptions to reporting damages, check out the Chapter 18 Underground Pipeline Damage Prevention Rules, found here on the Commission’s website. You may call the Railroad Commission at 512-475-0512 during business hours from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. They will return your call as soon as possible.

How to Document Pipeline Damage

Taking comprehensive before-and-after pictures that show the “story” of the pipeline damage is the best way to document what happened. Before digging, make sure to snap a picture of the marks. Once the pipeline is damaged and safely reported, take more pictures of the pipeline in relation to the marks. Try to get identifying landmarks in photos, such as street signs or house numbers, so that the Railroad Commission can then use to verify the location of the damage. In addition to photos, diagrams may also be useful in determining the story of the pipeline damage.

How to Send in Supplemental Information

After submitting your TDRF to the Railroad Commission, you may email supplemental information at any time to the following email: TDRFinfo@rrc.texas.gov. Make sure to provide the Incident Number and Reference Number of your report when submitting supplemental information. The TDRF Online System will also remind you how to submit your photos and other supplemental information after you submit your TDRF.

Additional Assistance

PHONE  – You may call the Commission at 512-475-0512 during business hours from 8AM to 5PM. Voicemails are returned as soon as possible.

EMAIL – You may email the Commission at any time at the following address: TDRFinfo@rrc.texas.gov. Emails are returned as soon as possible.